Discovering our cats with Feliway
After launching “Pet in Pills” our collaboration with Feliway did not stop! We conceived, produced and launched an entirely new column, “The Vet Responds.” Have you ever wondered how cats communicate with us and how to interpret their behaviors? In the new column by Feliway, Sabrina Giussani a Veterinary Doctor Expert in Behavior, will reveal all the secrets about the behavior of our four-legged friends, answering doubts and curiosities about their amazing world.
Don’t miss all the episodes on Feliway’s Instagram page!
If you are looking for an agency to take care of strategy and content production for your social, contact us!
Discovering our cats with Feliway
After launching “Pet in Pills” our collaboration with Feliway did not stop! We conceived, produced and launched an entirely new column, “The Vet Responds.” Have you ever wondered how cats communicate with us and how to interpret their behaviors? In the new column by Feliway, Sabrina Giussani a Veterinary Doctor Expert in Behavior, will reveal all the secrets about the behavior of our four-legged friends, answering doubts and curiosities about their amazing world.
Don’t miss all the episodes on Feliway’s Instagram page!
If you are looking for an agency to take care of strategy and content production for your social, contact us!